
 If you learn to communicate better, you increase your value by at least 50%’  – Warren Buffet


We communicate with others in 90% of our daily routine.  Hence, Don’t just make noises.

Talk to impress people and improve your career.


Learn 5 simple ways to talk and be the TOP;

1. Never make others feel small


  • speak with sincerity
  • treat your listeners with respect
  • you’re not out there to prove people wrong 


2. Problem vs People

Big guys focus on the problem. They look for ways to correct a mistake. So, people are more likely respond positively.

Little guys focus on people. They point fingers at each other and argue who is wrong.

They get stuck in a battle, downgrading each other and all their weaknesses come out.

There’s no winner. Only losers.


Never attack people. Instead, attack the problem.



People: You are lazy

Problem: The report is late


When you attack people, they will attack you in return.


When you attack the problem, be objective to correct the mistake.

People are more likely to respond positively.

3. Be the motivator

Motivate people to achieve goals instead of threatening them.

Although the threat can boost motivation, negative emotions can be stressful and unhealthy for long-term relationships with people

Instead of using fear, positive motivation inspires people to perform their best.


Do this:

Please be careful of the new wiring across the floor. I don’t want you to trip and get injured.

Not this:

There’s a wire across the floor. Don’t trip over it and cause my expensive computer to fall.

4. Show the difference

Create an impact with your statements by showing the contrast.

Without the difference, what you say doesn’t stand out.


No comparison:

I’ve done a good job. (Really?)

With comparison:

Before I took over the job, the company had 2 million losses annually.  Now, it is making a healthy profit of 3 million.

People can’t see what’s good or bad.


Show them the difference.


5. Use everyday examples

What does successful people have in common?

They use everyday examples to simplify their talk.



If you are waiting for the right thing to happen before you act, you might wait for a long time.


It’s like waiting for all the traffic lights to be green for 5km before starting the trip..


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